Czech Logic, Card & Gambling Games
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Fish Fillets
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101 lines
dialogId("pot-v-lod", "font_big", "Could this be Captain Silver`s ship?")
dialogStr("Czyżby to był statek Kapitana Silvera?")
dialogId("pot-m-soud", "font_small", "What makes you think so?")
dialogStr("Po czym wnosisz?")
dialogId("pot-v-jmeno", "font_big", "The title of this level.")
dialogStr("Po nazwie tego poziomu.")
dialogId("pot-v-slus", "font_big", "It suits you.")
dialogStr("Do twarzy ci.")
dialogId("pot-m-dik", "font_small", "Thanks, you too.")
dialogStr("Dzi─Öki, tobie te┼╝.")
dialogId("pot-v-cepic", "font_big", "A very nice hat.")
dialogStr("Bardzo ładna czapeczka.")
dialogId("pot-m-klob", "font_small", "Your stetson is quite good, too.")
dialogStr("Tw├│j kapelusz te┼╝ niezgorszy.")
dialogId("pot-v-hlave", "font_big", "What is that on your head?")
dialogStr("Co ty masz na głowie?")
dialogId("pot-m-zima", "font_small", "My ears were freezing.")
dialogStr("Było mi zimno w uszy...")
dialogId("pot-m-pujc", "font_small", "That`s some hat! Can I borrow it?")
dialogStr("Ale fajny kapelusz! Daj ponosi─ç!")
dialogId("pot-v-leda", "font_big", "If you lend me yours.")
dialogStr("Kapelusz za czapk─Ö.")
dialogId("pot-m-velik", "font_small", "This sure is a big stetson.")
dialogStr("Wielki ten kapelusz.")
dialogId("pot-v-kras", "font_big", "And a beatiful one, too.")
dialogStr("I bardzo ładny.")
dialogId("pot-v-nehnu", "font_big", "I can`t move this.")
dialogStr("Nie rusz─Ö tego.")
dialogId("pot-v-trub", "font_big", "I can`t move that cylinder.")
dialogStr("Nie podnios─Ö tej rury.")
dialogId("pot-m-nezb", "font_small", "I think we`re going to have to go inside that ship.")
dialogStr("Chyba będziemy musieli wpłynąć do środka.")
dialogId("pot-m-dovn", "font_small", "It looks like we have to go inside.")
dialogStr("Wygląda na to, że musimy wpłynąć do środka tej łodzi.")
dialogId("pot-m-zatuch", "font_small", "The air in here smells so stale.")
dialogStr("Pachnie st─Öchlizn─à.")
dialogId("pot-v-nikdo", "font_big", "It seems that nobody`s here.")
dialogStr("Zdaje si─Ö, ┼╝e nikogo tu nie ma.")
dialogId("pot-m-moc", "font_small", "I don`t like it here.")
dialogStr("Nie podoba mi si─Ö tutaj.")
dialogId("pot-v-plav", "font_big", "Stop talking and swim. Old ship interiors are highly interesting places.")
dialogStr("Nie gadaj, tylko płyń. Wnętrza starych statków to bardzo interesujące miejsca.")
dialogId("pot-v-ponur", "font_big", "Can you sense that atmosphere of doom and decay?")
dialogStr("Czujesz t─Ö atmosfer─Ö opuszczenia i rozpadu?")
dialogId("pot-m-hnil", "font_small", "No, just the mold.")
dialogStr("To tylko pleśń.")
dialogId("pot-m-vidis", "font_small", "What do you see?")
dialogStr("Co tam widzisz?")
dialogId("pot-v-vidim", "font_big", "I can see many interesting levels which we`ll have to solve.")
dialogStr("Widz─Ö mn├│stwo interesuj─àcych poziom├│w do rozwi─àzania.")